Monday, February 20, 2012

W6: Open Topic

A couple days ago, I finally gave myself permission to scope out the Valentine's day sale candy at CVS. Scanning the candy section as discretely as possible, with my hair enclosed around my face, I searched for something to call out my name- not an actual person though because how embarrassing?!... Buying on sale, Valentine's Day candy for myself days after like I had been waiting to snag a deal- Anyways, with my paranoia aside, I found a gem, a gem I wasn't expecting! A big purple bag, with big yellow cursive outlined in a hot pink, I read "Cadbury Mini Eggs". The bag reminded me of spring with mini colorful eggs sprawled out across the bottom of the bag and flowers sprinkled all around. This gem being Cadbury milk chocolate with a candy shell filled my childhood. My mother and I would share a bag while watching Days of Our Lives and I would color coordinate mine between a bright blue, bright yellow, pale pink and white egg. They all had freckles on them too which my grandma always told me they reminded her of mine, "Cute little freckles on such a sweet little candy, just like my Molly Olly". Precious, I know. Popping one -or three- of the addicting Mini Eggs into my mouth reminds me not only of the sweet, innocent childhood memories, but it fills my mouth with a rich blend of a unique, milk chocolate that coats your mouth with a thick residue and a sugary, crunchy shell. I can't help but drool. Thinking about all of this within a quick minute I snatched up the biggest bag they had and proceeded to the check out line. I opened them as soon as I was in the hallway leading to my dorm room. I know I'll be making the same shameful trip to CVS just to buy glorious amounts of Cadbury Mini Eggs especially since they are only around right after Valentine's day and right up until Easter. After that, the year long wait for this rare candy to come out begins again.

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